Gift ideas for the baby who has everything.
Finding christmas presents and birthday gifts for little babies and toddlers these days can be really tricky. “What do I buy for that child who has everything?” “Where do I find the best gifts for babies in Australia?”. It’s not just Chrismas and birthdays, you need to think of easter and other occasions as well such as christening days!
A lot of children these days seem to have everything! For the givers, it can be a real problem. Perhaps it is your niece, nephew or friends child, perhaps you haven’t been to their house to scout out what they already have. It can be just as big a problem for the receivers. For example, perhaps they have just had their fourth boy and their house is filled to the brim with toys and they really don’t want or need anymore. What’s more, wasted toys that get thrown away are bad for the environment.
And then, before you know it, they reach the age when toys don’t even matter and all they want is the latest gaming technology or money. However, while they are still at this lovely age, we want them to enjoy the real pleasures in life and not be glued to a horrible screen (like mum and dad!)
This list of ours might help! It’s not about brands or models, instead, we have done our best to find items which are timeless and aren’t going to be just a passing fad. Some of them might even become keepsakes, which they (and you) will cherish until they are well into their teens.
Toys are bad… We don’t think so!
We love toys and think that they are so important for children. This list is definitely (although not completely) about toys. We have read that the right toys help improve reading, and experiential processes. Did I say that we love toys and games?
Timeless gift ideas
- Fishing rod and kit
- personalized posters (home made is even better!)
- A Magazine Subscription
- Eye Chart Nursery Art
- Baby Hair Clips
- Baby shoes (keep them after they are worn)
- Nightlight (they aren’t just for babies)
- Paper aeroplane instructions and lots of paper
- A book of great ideas
- A blank book - sounds strange I know but kids just love to explore their creative side
- A jungle gym
- A play house
- A swing set
- Two man tent
- Baby bonnets
- Circuitry kit
- Baby socks
- Musical Instruments (ukulele, harmonica, electric keyboard, xylophone)
- Finger puppets
- A loom set
- Kaleidoscope
- Posters about Mom
- Baby sandals
- Craft supplies
- Magician kit
- Baby tights
- Baby sneakers
- Pool toys
- Etcha Sketch
- World globe
- Dress ups
- Baby hats
- Flower Press
- Hoola hoop
- Baby Boots
- Tea set
- Tools (real ones) - perhaps when they are a bit older
- Musical instruments
- Gift cards??? (No!!!)
What else can you think of? Feel free to suggest more great ideas in the comments below